Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure qui lorem cupidatat commodo. Elit sunt amet fugiat veniam occaecat fugiat aliqua.
Reagecon is a manufacturer of physical and chemical standards, certified reference materials, reagents, consumables, and chemicals. Based in Shannon, Ireland, their extensive high-quality product portfolio consists of over 10,000 products across 54 product families. Reagecon has long-standing direct relationships with blue-chip market leaders in pharmaceutical, food, beverage, environmental, petrochemical and industrial end markets within Ireland and has distribution reach into over 175 countries.
The Zip Tote Basket is the perfect midpoint between shopping tote and comfy backpack. With convertible straps, you can hand carry, should sling, or backpack this convenient and spacious bag. The zip top and durable canvas construction keeps your goods protected for all-day use.